enLumen Leadwellsm Personal Leadership Development is not a one-size-fits-all, curriculum-based course. Our one-on-one process is targeted at developing the leadership skills that you need most right now. You drive the agenda based on your current leadership challenges and interests.
We typically meet one-on-one for about an hour every other week. We can meet in person (Orange County, CA) or online (Zoom or similar service). You might also choose to use our Leadership Feedback Survey to glean insights on how others view your leadership. You determine how long we continue meeting based on the value you’re getting out of our sessions.
enLumen’s Leadwellsm Personal Leadership Development blends coaching and mentoring, using your current, real-life, on-the-job experiences as the laboratory for honing and developing your leadership skills.
Leadership Coaching: | drawing on the leader’s internal motivations and capabilities, building awareness and responsibility within the leader |
Leadership Mentoring: | pouring into the leader based on the experiences and expertise of the mentor |
Are you ready to learn more about how enLumen’s Leadwellsm Personal Leadership Development can help you grow your leadership skills?
Or learn more about our Leadwellsm Training options for your organization.