Future-Focused Leadership

Tapping Into the Values of a New Generation

By some definitions, Adolf Hitler was a leader.  So were Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.  Leading PeopleBut would you have chosen to follow them?

The most fundamental characteristic of a leader is the presence of followers.  You might be a manager or an entrepreneur, but until you have followers, you’re not leading. Continue reading Future-Focused Leadership

Building on Quicksand

Undermined by the Invisible

Pete couldn’t wait to implement the new project management process his friend Bill told him about.  roll-238142_150After Bill described the incredible success their organization had with it, Pete ran out and bought the book Bill recommended and read it that week.  Replacing their aging donor management system seemed like the perfect project to launch it on.

Fast forward six months…

Pete’s frustrations were at an all-time high.  The original project plan called for the implementation of the new system to be well under way by now.  Instead, they were still arguing over which vendor to select.  How could Bill have been so successful with this methodology that was failing him so miserably?
Continue reading Building on Quicksand